Latest Update
Mon Aug 19 00:31:47 CST 2024
From: Temu


1. Temu


2. Grab


3. Shopee


4. Lazada



Mon Aug 19 00:30:55 CST 2024
From: Temu


1. Temu


2. Grab

Grab是一款东南亚地区的出行应用程序,但它也提供了许多其他服务,如外卖、快递和购物等。Grab Pay是Grab的一项主要功能,它允许用户在商家处使用 Grab 钱包进行支付,并获得现金返还。通过使用Grab Pay,用户可以在每次购物时获得高达5%的现金返还。此外,Grab还提供了一个积分系统,用户可以通过完成任务和邀请朋友来积累积分,从而获得更多的现金返还。

3. Rakuten

Rakuten是一家日本的电子商务公司,它提供了一个名为“Rakuten Cashback”的现金返还计划。通过使用Rakuten链接到其合作伙伴的网站进行购物,用户可以获得高达3%的现金返还。此外,Rakuten还提供了一个积分系统,用户可以通过完成任务和邀请朋友来积累积分,从而获得更多的现金返还。

4. ShopBack



Mon Aug 19 00:30:02 CST 2024
From: Temu


1. Temu


2. Grab


3. Rakuten

Rakuten是一家日本的电子商务公司,它提供了一系列在线购物和金融服务。Rakuten Cashback是一项主要功能,它允许用户在指定的商家处购物并获得现金返还。用户只需在应用程序中选择要购买的商品,然后将其添加到购物车中。当用户完成购物后,他们可以获得一定比例的现金返还。

4. Lazada

Lazada是东南亚地区的一款知名电商平台,它提供了大量的商品和服务供用户选择。Cashback Lazada是一项主要功能,它允许用户在指定的商家处购物并获得现金返还。用户只需在应用程序中选择要购买的商品,然后将其添加到购物车中。当用户完成购物后,他们可以获得一定比例的现金返还。


Mon Aug 19 00:29:29 CST 2024
From: Temu

欢迎来到Temu Code Discord服务器!在这里,我们将分享有关Temu Code的各种信息,包括如何获取、使用和兑换。请加入我们的社区,与志同道合的人一起交流心得,共同成长。

什么是Temu Code?

Temu Code是一种特殊的二维码,用户可以通过扫描它来获得各种优惠券、折扣和赠品。在Temu购物时,只需出示Temu Code,即可享受优惠。

如何获取Temu Code?

  1. 在Temu App中购买商品后,会自动生成一个Temu Code。
  2. 在商品详情页,可以找到相应的Temu Code。
  3. 通过社交媒体平台(如Twitter、Instagram等)关注Temu官方账号,有时也会发布免费的Temu Code。

如何使用Temu Code?

  1. 打开Temu App,进入“我的”页面。
  2. 点击“优惠券”或“折扣码”选项卡。
  3. 点击“使用优惠券”或“输入折扣码”,然后输入相应的Temu Code。
  4. 确认优惠券或折扣金额,然后点击“应用”。
  5. 结算时,系统会自动计算优惠后的金额。

Temu Code兑换规则:

  1. 每个用户每天最多可以使用一次Temu Code。
  2. Temu Code有效期通常为7-30天,具体以实际为准。
  3. Temu Code不能与其他优惠券、折扣码同时使用。
  4. Temu Code不能兑换现金或找零。
  5. Temu Code不可转让、赠予或出售。
  6. 如有疑问,请联系Temu客服。
Temu Code Discord Server Link
Mon Aug 19 00:28:47 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu Link是一个游戏平台,它允许玩家在不同的游戏中创建和管理服务器。Discord是一个流行的即时通讯应用程序,它允许用户创建和加入各种社区和服务器。本文将介绍如何在Temu Link上找到并加入Discord服务器。

你需要打开Temu Link网站或应用程序。你可以在浏览器中输入”temu link”来访问它,或者在手机上下载并安装Temu Link应用程序。

2. 登录你的账户

如果你还没有在Temu Link上注册账户,你需要先注册一个新账户。你可以通过点击”注册”按钮来完成这个过程。一旦你注册成功,你将需要登录你的账户才能继续使用Temu Link的功能。

3. 搜索Discord服务器

登录后,你可以开始搜索Discord服务器了。在Temu Link的主页上,你会看到一个搜索框。在这个搜索框中输入关键词”Discord”,然后按下回车键或点击搜索按钮。这将显示与”Discord”相关的所有服务器列表。

4. 加入服务器


5. 创建自己的Discord服务器


  • 点击Temu Link主页上的”创建服务器”按钮;
  • 输入服务器名称和其他相关信息;
  • 点击”创建”按钮;
  • 在弹出的窗口中确认你的设置;
  • 点击”保存并退出”按钮。


Temu Link Discord Servers
Mon Aug 19 00:28:02 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu 是一款非常受欢迎的游戏商店,提供了许多好玩的游戏。如果你想在 Discord 上分享你的游戏体验,可以参考以下步骤:

第一步:创建一个 Discord 服务器

你需要创建一个 Discord 服务器。点击 这里 并按照提示进行操作。

第二步:安装 Temu 客户端

你需要下载并安装 Temu 客户端。你可以从官方网站或应用商店下载。

第三步:登录 Temu 账户

打开 Temu 客户端并使用你的账户登录。


在 Temu 客户端中搜索你想要分享的游戏。点击游戏图标以进入游戏详情页面。


在游戏详情页面中,找到 “Discord” 链接并复制它。这个链接将用于分享游戏到 Discord 服务器。


在你创建的 Discord 服务器中,选择一个合适的频道来分享你的游戏体验。点击频道名称旁边的 “新建” 按钮。


在新建的频道中,粘贴刚刚复制的游戏链接并点击 “发送”。现在你的游戏体验已经分享到了 Discord 服务器上。

Temu 代码 Discord 链接
Mon Aug 19 00:27:21 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu Link是一个用于连接Discord和Temu的工具,它可以帮助用户更方便地在Discord中分享Temu的商品链接。本文将介绍如何使用Temu Link进行链接分享,以及它的一些实用功能。

1. Temu Link简介

Temu Link是一个由开发者创建的工具,旨在简化在Discord中分享Temu商品链接的过程。通过使用Temu Link,用户可以轻松地将Temu的商品链接复制到Discord中,而无需手动输入URL。此外,Temu Link还提供了一些额外的功能,如自动识别商品名称、价格等信息,以便用户在Discord中分享这些详细信息。

要使用Temu Link,请按照以下步骤操作:

2.1 打开Temu Link网站

访问Temu Link官方网站(并单击“Get Started”按钮。这将打开一个新的浏览器窗口,其中包含一个简单的教程,向您展示如何使用Temu Link。

2.2 登录Discord账户


2.3 安装插件


2.4 创建Temu Link按钮

您已经完成了所有设置,可以开始创建Temu Link按钮了。要创建一个新的按钮,请转到您的Discord服务器,然后单击“Settings”选项卡。在这里,您应该能够找到“Plugins”选项卡。单击“discord-plugin-buttons”插件旁边的“Configure”按钮。这将打开一个新的窗口,其中包含一个名为“Buttons”的选项卡。在这里,您可以添加新的按钮并设置其属性。要添加一个新的Temu Link按钮,请单击“Add Button”按钮,然后选择“Link”作为按钮类型。接下来,您需要输入一个唯一的ID(例如“temu”)作为按钮的唯一标识符。最后,单击“Create Button”按钮以保存设置。

2.5 将Temu Link按钮添加到频道

您已经创建了一个Temu Link按钮,可以将其添加到任何频道中。要将按钮添加到频道,请转到您想要添加按钮的频道,然后单击“+”按钮以打开频道菜单。在这里,您可以选择“Embeds”选项卡,然后单击“More Embed Options”按钮。这将打开一个新的窗口,其中包含一个名为“Embeds”的选项卡。在这里,您可以找到刚刚创建的Temu Link按钮(其ID应为“temu”)并将其拖放到所需的位置。最后,单击“Apply”按钮以保存更改。

3. Temu Link的其他功能

除了自动识别商品名称和价格外,Temu Link还具有其他一些实用功能:

3.1 自定义链接格式

默认情况下,Temu Link会生成一个包含商品ID的链接。然而,您可以通过编辑配置文件来自定义链接格式。要编辑配置文件,请转到Temu Link网站上的“Settings”(,然后单击“Edit Settings”按钮。在这里,您可以更改链接格式以包含其他信息(例如商品名称、价格等)。完成更改后,请单击“Save Changes”按钮以保存设置。

3.2 批量生成链接

如果您有多个商品需要分享,可以使用Temu Link的批量生成功能来节省时间。要批量生成链接,请转到您的Discord服务器中的任意频道,然后单击“+”按钮以打开频道菜单。在这里,您可以选择“Embeds”选项卡,然后单击“More Embed Options”按钮。这将打开一个新的窗口,其中包含一个名为“Embeds”的选项卡。在这里,您可以找到刚刚创建的Temu Link按钮(其ID应为“temu”)并将其拖放到所需的位置。接下来,单击“Generate Links”按钮以生成一组链接。这些链接将显示在所选频道中的所有消息上。

Temu Link for Link Discord
Mon Aug 19 00:26:13 CST 2024
From: Temu

如果你是Temu游戏的玩家,并且想要向开发者提供关于游戏的反馈,那么你可能会想知道如何通过Discord服务器进行反馈。在这篇文章中,我们将为你介绍如何在Temu Discord服务器上提供反馈。










通过以上步骤,你可以轻松地在Temu Discord服务器上提供反馈。请记住保持礼貌和清晰明了的语言,这样可以更好地帮助开发者解决问题并改进游戏体验。

如何在Temu Discord服务器上提供反馈?
Mon Aug 19 00:25:40 CST 2024
From: Temu

欢迎来到 Temu,一个全新的购物平台!我们很高兴能为您提供优质的服务。在这篇指南中,我们将向您介绍如何在 Temu 上注册并使用 Discord 与其他用户互动。

注册 Temu 账户

您需要访问 Temu 的官方网站(并点击右上角的“登录”按钮。如果您还没有 Temu 账户,请点击“注册”按钮创建一个新账户。

下载并安装 Discord

Discord 是一款非常受欢迎的即时通讯软件,您可以在其中与您的朋友、家人和社区成员进行实时聊天。要开始使用 Discord,请访问 并下载适用于您设备的应用程序。

加入 Temu Discord 服务器

在您成功注册并安装了 Discord 之后,您需要加入 Temu 的官方 Discord 服务器。以下是加入服务器的步骤:

  1. 打开 Discord 应用程序并登录您的账户。
  2. 点击左上角的“服务器”图标,然后在搜索框中输入“Temu”。
  3. 在搜索结果中找到“Temu Community Server”,点击它以进入服务器。
  4. 点击右上角的“申请加入”按钮,等待 Temu 团队审核您的申请。一旦通过审核,您就可以加入 Temu Discord 服务器并开始与其他用户互动了。

在 Discord 上获取帮助

如果您在使用 Temu 或 Discord 时遇到任何问题,可以通过以下方式寻求帮助:

  1. 在 Discord 服务器中提问:在频道中输入您的问题,其他用户可能会提供帮助或建议。
  2. 查看 Temu 官方网站上的帮助文档:
  3. 在社交媒体平台上查找 Temu 官方账号:例如,您可以在微博、微信等平台上关注 Temu,以获取最新的活动和优惠信息。

希望这些信息能帮助您更好地了解如何在 Temu 上注册并使用 Discord。祝您购物愉快!

Temu 新用户 Discord
Mon Aug 19 00:24:17 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu Referral Code Not Working: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

If you’ve been using Temu, a popular online marketplace in Southeast Asia, and are facing issues with your referral code not working, this guide is for you. In this article, we will discuss the common reasons why your referral code might not be working and provide step-by-step solutions to fix the issue.

Why is My Temu Referral Code Not Working?

There could be several reasons why your Temu referral code is not working. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Expired Referral Code: Make sure that your referral code has not expired. Some referral codes only work for a limited time period, so check the terms and conditions of the referral program to know the validity period.

  2. Invalid Referral Code: Double-check that you have entered the referral code correctly. Sometimes, small errors like typos or extra spaces can cause the referral code to fail.

  3. Inactive Account: If you have an inactive account on Temu, your referral code may not work. Make sure that you have an active account and have completed all the necessary steps to verify your identity.

  4. Limited Usage: Some referral codes have a limited number of uses. If you have already used up your referral code, it will not work anymore. Check the terms and conditions of the referral program to know the usage limit.

  5. Technical Issues: There could be technical issues with the Temu platform that are causing your referral code to not work. In such cases, try refreshing the page or clearing your browser cache and cookies.

How to Fix Temu Referral Code Not Working Issue?

Now that you know the common reasons why your Temu referral code might not be working, let’s take a look at some step-by-step solutions to fix the issue:

  1. Check Referral Code Validity: First, make sure that your referral code is valid and hasn’t expired. Check the terms and conditions of the referral program to know the validity period.

  2. Confirm Referral Code: Double-check that you have entered the referral code correctly. Make sure there are no typos or extra spaces in the code.

  3. Verify Identity: If you have an inactive account on Temu, your referral code may not work. Make sure that you have an active account and have completed all the necessary steps to verify your identity, such as providing a valid phone number or email address.

  4. Check Usage Limit: Some referral codes have a limited number of uses. If you have already used up your referral code, it will not work anymore. Check the terms and conditions of the referral program to know the usage limit.

  5. Clear Browser Data: If you have tried all the above solutions but still cannot use your referral code, try clearing your browser data and cookies. This can help resolve any temporary technical issues with the Temu platform.

  6. Contact Customer Support: If none of the above solutions work, contact Temu’s customer support team for assistance. Provide them with details about your issue and they should be able to help you resolve it.


Using a Temu referral code can save you money when shopping on their platform. However, if you are facing issues with your referral code not working, follow these steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem. Remember to check for any expiration dates, confirm the referral code, verify your identity, check usage limits, clear browser data, and contact customer support if needed. With these tips in mind, you should be able to successfully use your Temu referral code without any issues.

temu referral code not working reddit
Mon Aug 19 00:23:31 CST 2024
From: Temu

在购物时,使用优惠券代码可以为您节省一定的费用。Temu 是一家知名的电商平台,提供各种商品和服务。本文将介绍如何在 Temu 上使用 Reddit 上的优惠券代码来获取折扣。

如何获取 Reddit 上的 Temu 优惠券代码?

Reddit 是一个流行的社交媒体网站,用户可以在上面分享和讨论各种话题。如果您想获取 Reddit 上的 Temu 优惠券代码,可以按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 打开 Reddit 网站并登录您的账户。
  2. 在搜索框中输入关键词 “Temu coupon code” 或者 “Temu reddit”,然后点击搜索按钮。
  3. 在搜索结果页面中,您可以找到与 Temu 优惠券代码相关的帖子。点击进入帖子详情页。
  4. 在帖子详情页中,您可能会看到其他用户分享的 Temu 优惠券代码。请注意,这些代码可能有不同的有效期和使用条件。确保仔细阅读每个优惠券代码的使用说明,并选择适合您的优惠活动。
  5. 如果您需要更多帮助或有任何疑问,可以在帖子下方的评论区中提问或寻求建议。其他用户可能会提供有用的信息和经验分享。

如何使用 Temu 优惠券代码?

一旦您获得了有效的 Temu 优惠券代码,就可以在结账时使用它来享受折扣了。请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 在 Temu 网站上浏览您想要购买的商品或服务。
  2. 将商品添加到购物车中。
  3. 在结账页面上,找到 “优惠码” 或 “折扣码” 输入框。通常会有一个标签或提示文字提示您可以使用优惠券代码。
  4. 输入您的 Temu 优惠券代码并按下回车键。系统将自动计算折扣金额并显示在结账页面上。
  5. 继续完成订单的其他必要步骤,如填写收货地址、选择支付方式等。
  6. 最后,确认订单信息无误后提交订单即可完成购物流程。


优惠券代码 Temu Reddit
Mon Aug 19 00:22:56 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu, the rising star in the world of e-commerce, has recently launched its affiliate program on Google Play. This program offers a unique opportunity for developers and content creators to earn money by promoting Temu’s products and services on their platforms. In this article, we will explore the details of the Temu affiliate program and how it can benefit both developers and Temu.

What is the Temu Affiliate Program?

The Temu Affiliate Program is a marketing initiative that allows developers and content creators to promote Temu’s products and services on their platforms. By doing so, they can earn a commission on every sale made through their referral link. The program is designed to help developers and content creators monetize their audiences and grow their businesses.

How does the Temu Affiliate Program work?

To participate in the Temu Affiliate Program, developers and content creators must first sign up for an account on the Temu website. Once they have registered, they can start promoting Temu’s products and services on their platforms. To do this, they need to create a unique referral link that tracks each sale made through their link. When a user clicks on the referral link and makes a purchase, the developer or content creator earns a commission on that sale.

Benefits of the Temu Affiliate Program for Developers and Content Creators

The Temu Affiliate Program offers several benefits for developers and content creators who participate in it. Firstly, it provides them with a new source of income by allowing them to monetize their audiences. Secondly, it helps them build trust and credibility with their followers by promoting a reputable brand like Temu. Finally, it enables them to grow their businesses by attracting more users to their platforms.

How to Join the Temu Affiliate Program

If you are interested in joining the Temu Affiliate Program, you can sign up for an account on the Temu website. Once you have registered, you can start promoting Temu’s products and services on your platform. To do this, simply create a unique referral link that tracks each sale made through your link. Remember to promote Temu’s products and services honestly and transparently to ensure that your followers trust you.

Temu Affiliate Program on Google Play
Mon Aug 19 00:22:22 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu, a popular online marketplace in China, has recently launched an affiliate program that allows users to earn rewards by promoting the platform on Google Pay. This article will provide an overview of the Temu affiliate program and how it works, as well as some tips for successful promotion.

Overview of Temu Affiliate Program

The Temu affiliate program is designed to help users earn commissions by promoting the platform to their friends and family. By sharing unique referral links or codes with others, users can earn rewards when they successfully refer new customers to Temu. The rewards can range from discounts on purchases to free shipping offers, depending on the specific promotion.

To participate in the Temu affiliate program, users must first sign up for an account on the Temu website. Once they have an account, they can access their affiliate dashboard where they can track their referrals, earnings, and redeemable rewards. Users can also customize their referral links or codes to make them more appealing to potential customers.

How to Promote Temu on Google Pay

To promote Temu on Google Pay, users can follow these steps:

  1. Create a unique referral link or code for Temu. This link should include your affiliate ID and any relevant promotional information. For example, you could include a discount code or offer a free shipping promotion for new customers.
  2. Share your referral link or code with others through various channels such as social media, email, or messaging apps. Be sure to include clear instructions on how to use the link or code to receive the reward.
  3. Track your referrals and earnings through your affiliate dashboard on Temu’s website. You can also monitor the performance of your referral links or codes on Google Pay to see which ones are most effective.
  4. Redeem your rewards for cash or other prizes through Temu’s rewards center. Rewards may take several days to process and may be subject to certain terms and conditions.

Tips for Successful Promotion

To maximize your chances of success with the Temu affiliate program, consider following these tips:

  1. Choose the right channels for promotion: Consider where your target audience is likely to be active and engage with them there. For example, if you have a large following on social media, you may want to focus on sharing your referral links or codes on those platforms.
  2. Personalize your promotions: Make sure your referral links or codes are unique and stand out from others. You can also include personal messages or incentives to encourage people to use your links or codes.
  3. Offer valuable incentives: Provide incentives for people to use your referral links or codes, such as discounts or free shipping offers. This will increase the likelihood that people will actually use them and refer new customers to Temu.
  4. Monitor your performance: Keep track of your referrals and earnings through your affiliate dashboard on Temu’s website. Use this data to optimize your promotions and improve your results over time.
Temu Affiliate Program on Google Pay
Mon Aug 19 00:21:34 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu, a popular online marketplace in China, has recently launched an affiliate program for its users. This program allows individuals to earn commissions by promoting Temu’s products and services to their own social media channels or websites.

The Temu affiliate program offers a range of benefits for affiliates, including a high commission rate, flexible payout options, and access to exclusive promotional materials. By joining the program, affiliates can earn a commission on every sale made through their unique referral link or coupon code.

To become an affiliate with Temu, interested individuals need to sign up on the Temu website and follow the registration process. Once approved, they will receive a unique referral link or coupon code that they can use to promote Temu’s products and services.

Affiliates can promote Temu’s products and services through various channels, such as social media platforms like WeChat and Douyin, email marketing, and their own websites or blogs. They can also participate in Temu’s affiliate events and campaigns to increase their chances of earning more commissions.

Overall, the Temu affiliate program provides a great opportunity for individuals to monetize their online presence and earn a passive income by promoting one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in China.

Temu Affiliate Program on
Mon Aug 19 00:20:47 CST 2024
From: Temu

Temu, a popular Chinese e-commerce platform, has recently launched an affiliate program on Google Ads. This program allows affiliates to promote Temu’s products and earn commissions on successful sales generated through their unique referral links. In this article, we will explore the details of the Temu affiliate program and how it can benefit both affiliates and Temu itself.

Overview of the Temu Affiliate Program

The Temu affiliate program is designed to help affiliates drive traffic and sales to Temu’s website by promoting its products through various channels, including Google Ads. Affiliates are given a unique referral link that they can share with their audience. When someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase at Temu, the affiliate earns a commission on the sale.

The Temu affiliate program offers several benefits for affiliates, including:

  • High commission rates: Temu offers competitive commission rates, which means affiliates can earn a significant income from promoting its products.
  • Easy promotion: With Google Ads, affiliates can easily create and manage ads to promote Temu’s products to their target audience.
  • Access to marketing tools: Temu provides affiliates with access to marketing tools, such as landing pages and email templates, to help them effectively promote their referral links.

How to Join the Temu Affiliate Program

To join the Temu affiliate program, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an account on the Temu affiliate program website.
  2. Fill in your personal information and provide a brief description of your audience.
  3. Accept the terms and conditions of the program.
  4. Create a unique referral link for each product you want to promote.
  5. Start promoting Temu’s products through your chosen channels, including Google Ads.

Tips for Successful Affiliate Marketing on Google Ads

To maximize your chances of success with the Temu affiliate program, consider following these tips:

  1. Target the right audience: Use relevant keywords and demographic targeting to reach your target audience more effectively.
  2. Create compelling ads: Make sure your ads are visually appealing and clearly communicate the benefits of Temu’s products.
  3. Test different ad formats: Experiment with different ad formats, such as text ads, image ads, and video ads, to see what works best for your audience.
  4. Monitor your performance: Regularly track your performance metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Stay up-to-date with trends: Keep an eye on industry trends and changes in consumer behavior to adapt your marketing strategy accordingly.
Temu Affiliate Program on Google Ads